01 de Julho de 2019, Maputo - A longa-metragem moçambicana RESGATE tem a sua grande estreia pública marcada para o dia 18 de Julho, nas salas Lusomundo de Maputo e Matola. Filmado entre 2017 e 2018, RESGATE é um filme independente com realização e guião de Mickey Fonseca, e direcção de fotografia e edição de Pipas Forjaz. Os dois fundadores da produtora nacional Mahla Filmes são também os produtores desta que é a sua primeira longa.

O protagonista de RESGATE, Gil Alexandre é estreante no cinema. Apresenta-se ao lado de experientes profissionais do teatro e cinema nacional, tais como Arlete Bombe, Tomás Bié, Laquino Fonseca e Cândido Quembo, entre outros. Também para o antagonista do filme, Rachide Abdul, esta é grande estreia no mundo do cinema.

A ideia para o filme surgiu há alguns anos, quando os raptos, abordados no filme, se tornaram mais frequentes no país. Desde então, Fonseca e Forjaz investiram os rendimentos da Mahla, que se dedica maioritariamente a produção de publicidade e cinema, em equipamento que permitisse reduzir o orçamento de RESGATE e levar o filme para a grande tela.

Para a dupla era essencial ter total liberdade criativa nesta sua primeira longa-metragem e, também, provar a si mesma que é possível fazer cinema independente em Moçambique, onde este ainda dependente de forma significativa de fundos externos.

Em 2016, procurando explorar alternativas de financiamento, a Mahla lançou uma campanha de crowdfunding inovadora. Esta alavancou a promoção do filme, criando-se uma comunidade de apoiantes nas redes sociais, mas a meta financeira ficou longe de ser alcançada.

Sinopse Comercial

BRUNO, saído há pouco tempo da prisão, leva uma vida honesta ao lado da namorada, MIA, e da filha bebé quando um misterioso empréstimo bancário põe em risco a vida dele e da família.

Para mais informações e/ou marcação de entrevistas:

Maura Quatorze | +258 823172770 |


Mickey Fonseca | +258 827116080 |


Maputo, August 16 2016

Hoping to help develop independent cinema in Africa

st feature

Mozambican filmmakers Mickey Fonseca e Pipas Forjaz hope to raise money to produce their provocative first feature film, RESGATE, through a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo, a tool still mostly unknown in the southern-African country. They put together a trailer, a pitch by the director and content like making-of videos of the trailer hoping to share their vision for the film with world audiences and garner support for its production.

The film tells the story of Bruno, a young ex-con looking for redemption who suddenly sees himself embroiled in a web of kidnaps, a form of crime which Mozambicans have seen rising dramatically in recent years. The story is set in Maputo, the bustling Mozambican capital, but is a universal one.

Fonseca and Forjaz are co-producers of RESGATE. Fonseca is also the screenwriter and director and Forjaz is the director of photography and editor. The two partners in local production company Mahla Filmes are looking to raise USD150.000 for production and post-production. Over the past four years they have saved around USD40.000 working on TV commercials, music and institutional videos. They have also invested in buying 90% of the equipment they need for the film – from a modern RED Weapon camera to tracking vehicles. But it’s still not enough to make the film they envision.

The main reason motivating Fonseca and Forjaz to crowd fund for the feature is that they want to make the film independently, in an effort to find creative alternatives to the classic international funds. A striking majority of films in Mozambique depend on international film funds, often dictating the type of stories that get to be told, the genres funded, international outsource of service providers, and others aspects. According to IMBd registers, less than 40 films have been made by Mozambicans in the past 14 years.

If the campaign is successful Fonseca and Forjaz hope to help open new paths for Mozambican and African filmmakers and, through their experience, inspire young filmmakers around the world to not give up on their dream of making films.

Link to RESGATE’s page on

RESGATE’s Synopsis

After 4 years in Maputo´s notorious central prison for car theft, BRUNO (34) is finally a free man and wants nothing to do with his old gang. He opens a small mechanic workshop with the help of his devout girlfriend, MIA (28).Life seems to be getting back on track for the couple, when he’s surprised by a bank summons referring to a mysterious loan his late mother took. If he doesn't pay USD30k, the bank will foreclose on his inherited house. Broke but determined to keep the house and his mother’s dignity, he sees no choice but to do a few odd jobs with his old gang. He soon finds himself embroiled in a web of violent kidnaps mostly benefiting the gang’s ruthless new boss. Feeling used by him and pressured to pay the bank loan, Bruno comes up with a master plan that shakes the criminal organization and puts his relationship with Mia and his life at risk.

About Mahla Filmes

Founded in 2010 by Mozambican filmmakers Mickey Fonseca and Pipas Forjaz, Mahla Filmes embodies their passion for telling relevant stories through film. As well as their fundamental belief in cinema as a tool to push for positive impacts and dialogue within societies.

The idea do make “RESGATE” was born about four years ago. From there on, besides working strenuously to improve the script and put together the right production team, Mahla Filmes has invested a significant part of its income in purchasing equipment that will help achieve the highest quality in the film.

“RESGATE” is the first feature and independent film by the Mozambican production company. After its debut with the short film “Mahla”, between 2009 and 2010, five short films followed, all for Mozambican non-governmental organization Nweti, about HIV prevention and gender-based violence in the country. Two of those shorts, “Dina” (director: Mickey Fonseca) and “Lobolo” (director: Michele Mathison) were distinguished with international film awards.

Mozambican filmmakers ask for world support to make 1

For more information about RESGATE, its co-producers, the cast and crew refer to the Notes for the Press document attached, or

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